Thursday 1 November 2007

Morning Again

The pumpkins (both the terracotta and the real) were still burning this morning. That pleased me.

On the way back from walking the dogs, I crossed my fingers when I saw a single magpie. I suppose it's a bit like buying a lottery ticket a week after you have won the jackpot.

I didn't go to Court today. However, yesterday I had a look at the paperwork my clerk sent over. Clever girl, Danielle (my clerk). Nothing important; no lives are at stake. An expensive advertising campaign hangs in the balance. "Can we...?" they ask. "Go for it", I reply. "If you think you're hard enough." It's lucky I have professional indemnity insurance.

A little foray back into my old world.

In the past, I have often thought of becoming a teacher. I made some inquiries about it a week or so ago. What a mistake! Apparently, law is not a 'national curriculum' subject. Apparently, I can't get on a teaching course without a 'national curriculum' subject. Apparently, it is preposterous that I want to teach physics. Apparently, I am very naive.

I think I'd like to be a butler. A snooty, snobby, superior butler. Like Jeeves. I might put a 'situation wanted' ad. in "The Lady". Who knows, I could get a position with someone famous.

Like Britney Spears.

"Oh no Madam", shaking my head in indulgent despair. "One should always start with the outermost line of coke and work progressively inwards."


The Honourable Billy Blunt said...

After I lost my first husband I went through a kind of cucoon period where everything seemed to be happening far away.When I emerged I decided to change direction completely as I felt that I couldn't carry on being who I had been .I went from an office job training to be an accountant(I have part 1 of my A.A.T)to nursing on a very low wage.
I look on that time as the making of the real me,I know I was only 19/20 but I learned in the 3 years of my nursing course just what I was capable of by 'myself'.
When I passed my finals I understood the old Red Indian parable of the Eagle flying highest when he flies alone.
I feel sure that one day a sign will come to show you the way.
If in doubt 'do nowt',
Kat x

trash said...

Really? Start with the outer line first? See, I learn so much on the 'innernets'.

Anonymous said...

go Britney's butler

you COULDN'T give her worse advice than she gets now!!

and HOW does a barrister know about cocain?