I am really very cross about this 'sub-prime' fiasco.
It works like this: -
The sub-prime 'market' is that proportion of a population who are either too poor or who have such a low credit-rating that they cannot ordinarily obtain a loan - the traditional hunting territory of the loan shark.
The banks notice that there are profits to be made from these people. They therefore agree to supply them with mortgages - at an inflated rate of interest.
They justify the utterly immoral by being patronising. They say:
"We are enabling these people to buy their own homes."
All the time the economy is growing healthily, these banks make enormous profits from their new 'market'. The individual investment and fund managers take home million-dollar bonuses each Christmas.
Then, of course, the inevitable happens. The economy takes a downturn, house prices stop rising (reducing the banks' ability to recover the capital they advanced) and foreclosures rocket. Suddenly, enormous profit turns to enormous loss.
And who pays for it all? Not the investment bankers and fund managers. They all retired last year to their organic farms in Dorset.
Not those innocent people who invested their money in the institutions involved. They got their money back.
No, the Bank of England steps in and mops up the mess by paying the equivalent of £750 for every tax payer in the country.
In other words, we all pay for it.
Now, would the banks have been able to make such ridiculously large profits and, ultimately, such an economy-threatening mess, if they had been honest with their investors from the start. If, for instance, they had said:
"We have identified a new 'market'. It's risky, it's exploitative, we are completely over-exposed, but it is very profitable. Invest your money with us."
Irresponsible, immoral, greedy bastards.
Some of them have knighthoods.
That was nothing about Ann - but God, it sounded like her!
i loved her passion!
on many occasions i felt quite scared by her strong feelings for certain subjects - now i am quite feisty but i was no match for Ann!
i rarely beat her down on a heated debate - in the end we would just stop debating in rather loud voices and accept that Ann was right!
loved that girl x
t x
Yay! Go Philip! You can blog about ANYTHING, and I know you're brave and open enough to do just that.
Surely anyone with a modicum of either common sense or a sense of 'fairness' recognises the truth in every word you wrote?
Good for you. :-) x
good post Philip!
Leanne x
Sounds like a woman after my very own heart, your Ann. It's good your voice is still here to speak for her. We need her sense of outrage to go on and YOU can make it heard! Well done!
You have such passion,I hope soon you will feel up to fighting the cause of the just and right again,I hate such companies that give out small loans and charge massive interest.....oh and Buy-As-You-View telly's should be blown off the face of the earth.
Thank God for Argos !!!!!
Ann was a natural beauty,I'm in awe.
Kat xx
keep channeling.
(hmmm.... one L or two?)
i agree with you/Anne, keep fighting. Its always the man in the street who ends up worse off (i don't trust banks even though i use them)
Hi, thanks for the comment you put on my blog! I completely agree with everything you posted and all the comments on your blog. Good on ya, Philip!
Best Wishes, from the kittens' mother
Oh I have a thing or two to say about predatory banks myself! (So glad that you continue to blog.)
Its now Friday and you havent posted since tuesday Philip. Just leaving a quick message to say hope you are ok
Leanne x
Looks like Leanne and I had the same thought ... just dropping by to say 'hi' and to let you know I'm thinking of you.
Take care :-) x
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