Saturday, 10 November 2007

Hmmm... The photographs which accompanied my last post keep disappearing! Let's see if they stay there this time.

Again, thank you all for being so lovely.


Leanne said...

Philip, I have trouble with photos on my blog too, they often fail within a day of posting, and all people see is that annoying little box with a cross in it. I think its something to do with the blogger software. when it happens to mine, I
have to delete the html code for the original uploaded photo. and then reload the pic again. It seems to work for me.

leanne x

Anonymous said...

They stay on at my end, now I see two of each. Go figure. . .

Jane said...

I had problems with the text moving around when i publish the post! annoying, never mind just hope it makes sense.

trash said...

Hey Philip,

She was right. Sea-bathing best for cactus spine holes. ;-)

Katie twinkles said...

What blissful pictures especially the sea one. (The wedding one is, of course very lovely) It's great to see them.
As for techi probs my playlist is in completely the wrong place. it went in one of the new posts way back which is a shame as it's a good playlist and I do so like people to listen to my music choices as they're rather good I feel.

Teresa said...

I am leaving you a note to let you know I found your blog. Sorry about the picture problem. The pictures I have seen are lovely.

Take care