Wednesday, 31 October 2007

Today is Hallowe'en.

Ann adored Hallowe'en. She delighted in the recently adopted 'pumpkin' custom. I have prepared a pumpkin and, this evening, I shall ceremoniously place it upon Ann's grave.

I hope she likes it.


Tracy x said...

what a great idea!
Ann would love it - i still remember the one you had last year and how it went all soggy on the edge of the path way, and the biggest mushroom i have ever seen as its hat!!
wish i was there to place the pumpkin - tell my girl i love her and wish her a happy halloween from a good witch x
t x

Hilda May said...

will be thinking of you tonight as we light up our pumpkin too xx

Rachel x

The Honourable Billy Blunt said...

May you find strength from your memories and happiness again,take each hour as it comes,experience each feeling as it passes over you.
I wish you well my friend,I lost my first husband when I was 19 and had only been married 10 months,in time you learn to live with it take stock and re evaluate.
I am sure your dear and beautiful wife will live on in your heart forever.True love never dies,it is eternal.
An angel lent from heaven,
If only for a while,
Will always touch your heart,
With the memory of their smile.

Kitty said...

The very fact that you've done it for her will make it perfect, no matter how it looks.
Take care. x

Katie twinkles said...

How I have loved Halloween. I usually always do a pumpkin. So many disaster's too... I once did a huge one for a group I was working with and then I dropped it. Ever seen a pumpkin when it's been dropped!! I Sellotaped it all back together (yes really) and in the photos it looked faultless. Another year I put my lovingly carved pumpkin on our ledge by the door and had a handful of sweeties ready to reward the mirthful voices at our door only to open it and see two teenage boys running off with my pumpkin... the worst tho has to be forgetting to use the innards and finding them in a bucket in the car boot some time no, the worse was the soup I made one year. What a tasteless wonder that was!!
I hope you really enjoy making Ann's pumpkin and watching it glow.