I couldn't understand why I was a little the worse for wear last night. I don't think I drank more than usual. It came to me in the night. I hadn't eaten anything all day. I'm normally good about eating. At least visiting Ann wasn't the only thing I forgot to do yesterday.
Hello, you don't know me. I wanted to say how very sorry I am that you have lost the person you love most in the world. And how very sorry I am that no one else will really understand how you are feeling. However much those who love you attempt to be there, they will probably get things wrong, because they can't truly understand. You are alone. And yet of course, you are not alone. Go well.
There are a lot of us out there that have lost loved ones to this awful disease......knowing how you must be feeling at the moment actually hurts......you are not alone
big hug for today...
Rachel x
Eating's very hard when you are in turmoil but I hope you will treat yourself to some favourite nosh soon even if you can only pick at food.
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