In conversation, I discovered that it is normal to change one's bedclothes every week. Oops! That is (at least) four times more frequently than I had previously understood to be acceptable.
So, while I am airing my dirty laundry in public...
I recently bought and watched an American TV series called "Dexter". I empathized with the eponymous anti-hero, not because he is a serial-killer (you will be relieved to read) but because he is detached from the world, a mere observer.
Last week, I hitched a lift to France. I went for the sole purpose of bringing back the little car that I have owned since I courted Ann: the car that witnessed her agreeing to marry me; the car that took us to Cornwall and to Scotland. It missed not a beat as it blasted noisily across Northern France from the Mayenne to Boulogne. Now, it is parked in the narrow road outside my house here in Kent. I can see it from my bedroom window. It is raining hard and the ancient soft top leaks.
[Paragraph removed]
The day or so that I spent in France was, confusingly, entirely delightful. Spring had sprung, as they say. I mowed the grass, tended the fruit trees and immersed myself in the simple things. A little splash of bright colour on the drab walls that surround me.
Life is a strange, strange affair.
Good for you.
1. That car is stunning
2. your spelling seems very accurate despite drunkness. if I could only achieve this standard in sobriety my marks would surely improve.
3. Hurrah for the lost cat
4. Hurrah for you and your endeavours
5. whether you air your dirty laundry in public or not, just wash it first perhaps?
I second what katie twinkles said!
hello again sweet car - i have missed you x
P. I would happily, yet gently, zoom that rather gorgeous car across France if required. It is my ideal 'when I am grown-up' car. However I shall ow be wondering all night what the missing paragraph said.... oo! I do hate a mystery!
Katie Twinkles - would it be dirty laundry to air if one washed it first?
Buy a few extra lots of bedclothes, that way, you can change them every week but would only need to do the laundry every third week.
And get fitted bedsheets, it makes life a lot easier.
Strictly speaking not, and despite being cheeky enough to comment on a blog written by someone as pendantic as a Barrister, I think it rather fun to maintain rather a lot of Poetic Licence. (I did say my marks could improve...)
anyway, moving on.... :-)
That, of course was meant to say Ped-antic..
I expect Pendantic is,however,in the Scrabble Dictionary for hair-splitters x
Hmmm... I was hoping for a chorus of:-
"No, the party goers were winding you up. Changing bedsheets monthly is entirely normal."
Now I feel awful... and smelly... and (oddly) pedantic.
At least I take a shower nearly every week. That should count for something.
Trash, Katie Twinkles? Am not sure we know each other sufficiently to be quite so relaxed and informal with nomenclature.
Hey Trashy ... are you gearing up for another bout of P.A.I.N in the A.R.S.E? :-p
Philip - I wish I had seen the missing paragraph ... what could have been so terrible that you had to edit? A misplaced bracket? A colon where the whole world would know there should only be a semi-colon? Perhaps you forgot your upper case letters? We (or I, at least) shall never know.
I'm so glad the cat was found - a missing cat is a terrible thing. Pleased also for the return of your car, and the fact that you found yourself enjoying some sunshine and some days. That is the best thing of all.
Take care :-) x
Kitty: I'll have you know, my colon is EXACTLY where it ought to be.
Do I really come across as such a grammar fascist? I'm chastened!
To truly know oneself: so important, and nice. On behalf of myself; thank you from the heart of my bottom - my semi-colon).
Ouch. Writing that actually caused me physical pain.
Sorry...I have to bed clothes do not get washed every week, much as I'd love to!
Not you as well Missy.
Thank Flakey for all those household products we won in the Grand CupCakes draw today.
I may donate mine to P x
Ugh, Acrossthepond. Gross!
All this about personal hygiene of bed and person reminds me of long ago "discussions" with my long ago Brit husband. All the same , I have continued to be "profligate" (his pedantic term) in my use of soap and detergent ;-)
Can we finally draw a line under our disastrous marriage Francoise? God, give it a rest, why can't you? One bar of soap a year should be enough to cover any woman's toilet requirements.
PS - Sorry, I can't seem to get Blogger to write a cedilla. Bugger - there I go again. Well at least pedantry is preferable to pederasty (unless one is a pederast, I suppose).
LOL! I fear I am beyond salvation on the soap front.
You don't know how (in)appropriate that last quip is . . . Anyway, old, old story. Anger and tears all spent, kids OK.
Now about the important cedilla, if you are a PC person, I can offer no help. On the other hand if you are a smart Mac user, press "c" and the option key, et voilà, une cedille! Très simple.
In the meantime, I remain yours truly
I'm very sorry, Francoise.
Oh, P, no need to apologize. In retrospect, I should have let it pass, and I know no unkindness was meant.
HOWEVER, I see you still haven't mastered the art of the cedilla. Get thee to a Mac, for goodness sake
Firstly, I had not recognised that you were a pedant of the grammar variety. My comments were merely meant to raise a titter. However, I am extremely pleased to know that your intestinal arrangements are just as they should be. I would, of course, expect nothing less.
Secondly, I have some spare cedillas - would you like some?
ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç
They were on a BOGOF in Waitrose, so I got myself a dozen, and you can have these 'BOGOF'ed' ones if you'd like?
Kitty:- Unfortunately, Waitrose cedillas... (cedillae? - no, I shan't look it up, I shall use the french cedilles) ...Waitrose cedilles won't fit the 'C's I use. The hooks are the wrong size. As I really can't afford to replace all my 'C's, I shall have to turn down your kind offer.
Tsk ... what on earth will I do with 24 cedillae/cedillas/cedilles?
Perhaps Franççççççoise would like a few?
Right, I'm down to 18 now - any other ideas?
I feel distinctly uneducated as to be so lacking in grammatical form
DrNin, PhD
And I too am intrigued by the missing paragraph? What on earth could it have been? Could it really have been worse than only washing your sheets once a month, I mean you can't get much worse....?!! :op
Phil - me ole mate.....
What-cha-think of the boxing last night eh?
Didnt Joe wup his arse?
Amd who'se going to win the prem? Are you a Man U or Chelsea?
Hi phillip,
Any progress with the sheets?
It's such a worry...
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