Well, here goes!
On September 3rd 2007, my wife Ann died of cancer. She was 43. I have started this blog (my first blog) as a record of my emotions and, perhaps, as a sort of therapy. I also hope that it will be a form of immortality for her. I am still not sure I am going to get through the next few months, so it ought to be interesting. Of course, as I never know how I might be feeling from day to day, this might be my only post...
It's an odd thing. It's not yet been two months since she died and, already, my life with her seems like a dream. Did it really happen?
Where do I go from here? Do I go back to work as though nothing has happened, or do I make a complete change? I don't think I shall return to my old job - it's too much like 'business as usual'. And I can't really see me addressing a jury again in the foreseeable future. I lose the plot too much these days; hardly fair on the poor sod I'm defending!
Enough for now - about to lose battery on my laptop.
Hope that you find this blogging business meaningful and healing. I look forward to reading your love story.
I came over from Wild Rose blog and have been so moved reading through your posts. Would one ever believe that sitting at the computer reading about someone you never knew could leave your sking tingling. Wel it has. What can one say in such an early and raw time except you are in my prayers.
Phillip, I am so sorry for your loss. I will be praying for you as you go through this emotional journey and look forward to the rest of your story.
Dear Phillip
Enjoyed is definitely the wrong word to use but I couldn't stop reading your very eloquent recordings of the emotions you are going through on the very sad loss of your wife. Your thoughts remind me to hold my precious family closer and I will think of you and your journey often. Try and be kind to yourself. Your blog is a real tribute to your relationship, Ann's life and is a credit to yourself.
Wishing you kind thoughts and all the very best.
I think of you often and steal a glance here every once in a while, checking up on you.
I hope your silence is a good thing, that you're ... okay.
All my best. Gin
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